Irit Aharony shares Modern Hebrew program news.

Irit Aharony reports Modern Hebrew Program news:

During the last semester, we have been working on producing the second digitized Modern Hebrew book for our students at the beginner’s level. After successfully launching the digitized Modern Hebrew Grammar book for the intermediate level students, we now have put together the materials for the beginners. This book comprises of grammar documents, including audio of all conjugations of the verbs in Hebrew, exercises and interactive exercises. In addition, we created a bulk of interactive games for vocabulary practice for the students. Our established feature, the interactive flashcards, were updated following  student requests and feedback, and now incorporate several features, allowing the students not only to see and hear the words and their translations, but also to check their knowledge by choosing the correct translation from a list of options, or spelling the word in Hebrew, thus integrating another proficiency.

We added a new book to our “books on tape” collection, this time an Etgar Keret book for the beginner’s level. We now have three books on tape, and the students can strengthen their reading and listening proficiencies while word translations pop up upon request.

In the fall semester all our students at Modern Hebrew 120a studied the language using Ipads. This semester the ipads serve Modern Hebrew B students. Attached please find a link to a clip our students created using their ipads, after writing the scripts in Hebrew.

All of this work was made possible by the generous help of The Center for Jewish Studies, The Committee for Foreign Languages at Harvard, the help of Kevin Guiney from the Harvard Academic Technology Group and our dedicated and talented TA, Osnat Aharoni.

Irit Aharony